East Coast Visit

Some Plans or Actions happens in No time or sometimes the laziness tends to make the plans to be delayed. The Plan to travel to the North Eastern States  ESP. New York is one such delayed action I had from past 6 years and now that I visited this place recently, want to write my experiences with the trip.  We flew to Washington DC in the midnight from LAX Airport(LA) to overcome the long journey (5 hours) and we had our sleep in the plane itself. Next day when we woke up, The City welcomed with the beauty of the magnificent landscape of the Orange and Blue sky (About to Sun rise).

The actual fun started when we visited the Harrisburg, P.A through drive.Whenever you are in a new state or new place, you tend to compare with the place you currently live. I had the same too. Comparing the Surroundings of West Coast vs. East Coast is once such movement I can glimpse of in terms of the road trip. My friends rerouted to the Hershey Park. The bus rides in the Hershey Chocolate Factory is interesting one to know the the preparation of the Chocolate. I am the little kid in the ride when looking the processing’s of the Chocolate. The amazement is to the core when you see the loads of chocolate cubes in hierarchical structure processing just close to you.

The next day, it was Washington D.C. We traveled through Metro from Virginia to Washington D.C.Now I am close to the White House.

The Sky is Blue,
Sunshine is too sparky,
Imagination is somewhere over the clouds.
I know the Clouds Are White, but I see the White House now.  

Later we visited the Renwick Gallery (Art). The renovations couldn’t make us to watch throughout the building but the amazement came through one of WONDER art. Apparently this is the art used using Fishing Nets and it depicts amount of Energy released in Pacific Ocean during the Tsunami in Tohoku (Japan).

The long walk to the Lincoln memorial, all the way from Renwick Gallery/White House made us exhausted in the scorching heat, but looking over the Lincoln Memorial and the walk under the trees made us to forget the tiredness.

Didn’t went close but at least we had a sight of The Washington Monument. This is an obelisk Constructed to pay tribute to the First American President George Washington.

Stepped into the National Air and Space Museum, the largest aircraft Air and Space Craft collection in the world.  Explored some of the fascinating things of Air and Space craft.

And the Father of Modern Rocketry Dr.Robert G Goddard picture can be seen below. He is the Inventor/Creator of World's First Fueled Rocket.

The below Portrait about the Music interested much to me. Its so nice to Compose/Create the mood based on the Space/Planets. I started exploring the below people after I came back home.  Of all I am more influential towards Gustav Holst The Planets Album. The Hymns and Sounds I heard in each of the planet related are the ones you still listen in most of the movies/Music today. Great to know that this Music is enduring,Inspirational and still live till now.

For more music/details listen to the Planets Album music, You will essence the magic. I am enjoying this. 

And the tiredness and the burn out made us to call it a day. The next day we completely took rest in our cousin’s place in Virginia (As we had to drive to Niagara the next day). That was a fun time to spend some valuable time with the Cousin kids. And the home food you get is always so great to have it. Delicious is just a simple word to say.

Oh Niagara!
We started early(~7 AM) in the morning from Virginia. The car drive en routes again through Pennsylvania roads and this time the amazement is much higher when I see the Country side beauty through road drive. 

Now that we are on Grand Island Bridge(North),we knew we are close to Niagara and the Niagara river is flowing down under the bridge. 

There was much perception and assumption in my mind about how actually the Niagara looks? Later on, when I had a view of the Niagara Falls, I am close to assumption but slightly more than my assumption.

 I am amused in the assumption
But the reality spoke much.
The visibility before the approach is Amazing
Though the mist made the fall to hide, the closing of eyes and shouts didn’t stop

Captured the Landscape view of Canada(The Other side of Niagara from United Sates)

Next day the plan is to drive to New York from Niagara. Before we started to New York, we visited Old Fort Niagara. This fort played a significant role during the French and Indian War (Native American) in July 1759. We saw the Musket and Mortar firing demonstration.

The musket (Long Barrel Gun) firing demonstration by a dressed up soldier is an interesting facts of how the soldiers used to dress and how the firing happens. He is resonant and commanding during the demonstration.

The New York, Here we come
What can be more memorable, if you are celebrating your birth day when you are in New York? The day is the more memorable and unforgettable to me.

Visit to the Statue of Liberty lead me to dive into the history about the Statue. Looking at the statue all the way from down, I was for a while into the meditative mode regarding the Freedom,Liberty and Independence. 

Later a visit to 9/11 Memorial made me to go back to the sorrowful memories. The stream of water flow with all the names is a great tribute to 9/11 victims. The silence with Visionary thoughts and the meditation (Hearing the water flow) is what I really felt a great tribute from myself to them.

We stepped into the One World Observatory (New One WTC tower). The inspiring video talk through walk way made to hear the inspiring talk/stories of people regarding the built of One World Trade Center. Once we entered the elevator, amazed of sudden video in the Elevator giving you the glimpse of One World Trade Center. Now you are in 100th floor. It’s time for you to experience the See Forever Theater in one of the big hall room. The audio visual experience gives the pulse of New York and the impression of the skyline. And finally you are in the Main Observatory. Enjoyed the spectacular view of the New York and surroundings.

Its 5 P.M and what’s next raised in everyone’s mind? The Google maps helped and realized that the walk to Brooklyn Bridge is ~0.3 miles from One Observatory. Without second thought we started walking towards Brooklyn Bridge. The actual spirited of seeing different People, Cultures, and the New York Style everything reflected as the happening place when I was in Brooklyn Bridge. The walk over the bridge is relaxing and refreshing in the evening. 

You don’t feel the experience of New York until you had a ride in the local Taxi’s/Cab. The taxi ride from Brooklyn to 53rd Street is a pleasure ride. The eye sight of spectacular buildings, busy Traffic, Sound Horns, People, Streets you see  is a sparkled excitement to your heart. 

Not a planned one but the flash of word ART made me to visit the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) when we are near 53rd street. The landscape and portraits of Contemporary Art is interesting to watch and the imagination is high at this time. 

    Still Life with Apples - Art by Paul Cezanne

8 PM in the night, the Radiance and Illumination is sky-high. The sight of too much crowd and flashing cell Phones for selfies can be seen here. By this time, you may have known (If already visited) what I am talking about?  Yes, I am City Square now. 

While heading back from New York to Virginia we bypass through Philadelphia Downtown to drop my friend. Didn’t stopped anywhere but the drive through the oldest city (Ohh used to be the Capital of United States earlier) is amazing. We glanced the outside sight of Masonic Temple, Philadelphia Art Museum from Car itself. 

    Philly Downtown

Food? Yeah Indian Cuisine Mostly
The next best thing in my trip is the Food. When the taste reaches your soul that’s what you call it as the excellent food. This is exactly happened when I tried the Biryani Cart food in New York Streets.  I enjoyed the atmosphere and mood of the New York street food when I ate the Biryani and Kati rolls from Biryani Cart. We tried the taste of famous chain The Halal Guys (Middle Eastern) at 53rd Street. Not to be called as Best but Better when we had Lunch(Buffet) and Dinner(Biryani) at Zaika’s in Niagara. We also enjoyed the varieties of items of its own(Buffet) at Mirchi restaurant in Edison. The zeal didn’t go down when we ate at Sarvana Bhavan in Edison. The craving for food is intensified and Spice N Curry in Baltimore introduced by my Baltimore friends is equally enjoyable to have the food.  Finally, whatever the taste you may have outside the Home food is always overwhelming and satisfying. We experience that when we had the food in my friends and cousins place. 

Thank You
A simple Thank You is not enough to say for the support and help I received from friends and family during this trip.  Much hospitality, Invitations from my friends, after long time visit to my friends brought me the fond memories and Nostalgia.  Well! what more I can say about this trip? The Spirit stays and wonderful memories keep haunting me. There is still tomorrow for me to come back again. 


  1. Nice deepu. you should have done one documentary instead of blog. Anyways good luck

    1. Thanks Sameer Bhaiyya. I do have the plan to do documentary/Video editing. Will try for next one :)


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