THE SECRET - In Search of Treasure
This post has been published by me as a part of Blog-a-Ton 56 ; the fifty-sixth edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. Hurray I found it. Hurray I found it shouted Krishna when he found the box for the treasure. Krishna lives in a tribal village called Trissapur. Krishna and his troop are involved in the treasure hunt for almost a decade from now. The people here are facing with troubles. The remote village constraint made the village to suffer from many problems. The literacy rate is less, there is no proper electricity, the lands are barren and it’s hard for the farmers to produce the necessary crops. There has been many times the village head petitioning the government officials about the village but the promise from them is not always fruitful. The villagers have seen the political leaders only during the 5 years term of elections. Situations are becoming worse day by day. They need to travel miles for the water and for household...