Truth vs Fiction

This post has been published by me as a part of the Blog-a-Ton 37; the thirty-seventh edition of the online marathon of Bloggers; where we decide and we write. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. The theme for the month is "Truth is Stranger Than Fiction"

Truth is Stranger Than Fiction
This idiom is fascinating. Yes sometimes the incidents that we see in our day to day life makes to reflect this idiom.

Meteor striking in Russia, Humans proliferating the evil with Advance in Technology, Global warming effects, did aliens came to know that humans are evil? This was my FB status msg on the day when meteoroid stroked earth.

Yes we have seen many star war kind of fiction movies about the planets world, asteroids etc. Yes the statement is a fact that the meteoroids will fall from space on Earth. From my childhood I have been listening about asteroids and meteoroids in my text books, fiction films. But I was wonder-struck with the news on that day and even watching in the video made me to shout. Oh very strange..!


But my point is why should I feel wonder. A kind of analogical process is already going on our Mother land; sorry I should say our Mother Earth. We millions of humans stay on Planet Earth. In psychological way we show kind outwards but there is superfluity of wickedness that hidden behind our outer good-nature heart. We are already experiencing many blasts in our country (many countries). So why should I feel wonder-struck or heights of awesomeness?  

Yes we feel very bad because of natural disasters like earthquakes, floods etc. But already the merciful lady (Earth) is suffering from the meteors kind of blasts from senseless humans in the name of Religion, selfishness, jealousy, and wealth.Where is our World going?Are there will be only moron’s staying on Earth in coming future? 

The picture says more than the words.
Our Mother Land agony?
Why Inhumane?Why Cruelty? 
On whom are you showing your Vengeance?
On Innocent people..?

The altruistic people can be compared with tennis ball. You know why? Let me explain. Let me refer two tennis players as evil minded people. Let us call them the people with wicked minds called as caste, corruption, hatred religion. And we are getting humiliated from both ends. The ball wants to stay on a world of line called as kind world which is nothing but called as Net. My comparison is idiotic but we all should believe in this fact? There is no place for good in this crime World. The humans who are salt of earth are trying to take country in their hands to purify it with kind and good nature from malevolent worms. But the lunatic minds throw satirical comments if we follow rules. Hence only the thin line (net) is referred as good place.

Now a day’s it’s very hard to find a truth in our world, sorry not world this time I should refer our country. From childhood I have been watching many Fiction oriented movies where justice stays until and until the culprit’s punished, good rulers showing good over bad and administrating the country in a better way for the welfare of the people.

Why don’t we fight on this evil for liberation and spread peace throughout the world. Why can’t we all be promising persons to this world? Do we still need to elect those uncivilized persons to run our country? We can’t blame politicians or poor administration because of the effects and happenings we are visualizing in our day 2 day life.We all are living in uncivilized society and hence we should blame ourselves to elect them.  

Beneath the Fear lies Procrastination.
So scientifically here Fear is called as Fiction and the Truth is called as Procrastination. Beneath the Fiction lies Truth. Theoretically Truth is immortal but Practically Fiction is immortal and bounded throughout the world. As a result of threatens/warnings and havoc produced by the Political/Caste Based/Religion squeamish people it’s hard to produce a truth for a common man.

So finally what is my justification all about?
Because of the obstacles and hindrances we are experiencing in this fast running moving world from the mad maniacs it’s very hard to give life to truth. The people are in perplex state when any truth is showing its presence in the world..For instance the expressions they are showing are..Really! Are you kidding me…those culprits got hanged..? Are they got convicted for being involved in corruption? Hmm..Truth is Stranger than Fiction…!

 video credits: Youtube@Bollywoodguru
The fellow Blog-a-Tonics who took part in this Blog-a-Ton and links to their respective posts can be checked here. To be part of the next edition, visit and start following Blog-a-Ton. Introduced By: Leo, Participation Count: 02


  1. this shows how frustrated the common man has become from all this rubbish and negativity...very well written
    ATB for BAT
    do drop in at:
    - Don't Whine

    1. Thank you karan for u r kind words..

      The frustration is in a such a way that even if the Govt comes in a positive way(may be bcaz of coming elections in next year..:):),the people gonna spank and roar with more frustration...
      Of-course its not politics but people should change ..hope we all realize that..:) :)

  2. There is a lot of truth in your post. The media is flooded with manipulative fiction masquerading as the truth. We ourselves are more comfortable with accepting fictional stories than facing the stark truth.

    A powerful write.

    Mixi (My BAT-37 entry)

    1. @Mixi
      Thank you for the read and words. Yes we all are manipulated with multiplicative numbers everywhere and even the media is no exception in getting those numbers(money) from rich and culprits... Truth is stranger than fiction for sure...

  3. You have explained it bang-on target

    ATB for BAT

    -Snuffles Jay
    Drop by here too someday

    p.s.: do let me know how you wrote the "Thank you for commenting.Your Golden words" thingy, i cant quite find it :/

    1. @Snuffles Jay

      Thank you Jay.

      For that customized message..when you login in ( on settings -> Posts and Comments ->Comment Form Message ...:) :)

  4. The more you dig the murkier it gets, i suppose. so face it and live with it, perhaps! to quote a line from one of the posts in BAT that i read, truth is not a reality but a mirror for reality is again a matter of perceptions largely influenced by our thoughts

    1. @Akila G
      Thank you for reading the post and wonderful quote..

      Yeah its in our hands to change world and live in reality rather than fiction world..I knw showing frustration will not give a fair play for us but I hope my thoughts will be a wake up call for my self..:)....

  5. You have made your point quite clearlY. Fiction intrigues us much more these days that we are not satisfied about the truth anymore. Great effort on your part .

    1. @Maliny...
      Yes because we are fevicolic to fiction and tasteless to truth..We don't believe in logic but we all believe in Magic.:) ;)
      Thank you very much for your words..keep reading..:)

  6. Very well penned the saga on truth.

    1. @Rio De La Sciocco

      Thank you for your precious comment. Glad you liked it..:):)

  7. Good reading.
    Many times we don't know the Truth and assume that the Fiction given to us is the Truth!

  8. very well written article pointing towards reality in the country today

  9. I hope this one doesn't vanishes..
    Media always serves the platter of fiction transformed into truth in front of common man..Well penned

    1. Sometimes becaz of media acts..common man are getting confused in a way whether to believe in the nonsense sttms frm media...Life span of truth is very less in our country compared to fiction...Tnq for your comment..keep reading..:):)

  10. there is very thin line between truth and fiction, the difference lies in the fact that we can not alter truth as per our own wish..

    1. Truth is getting altered not on our wish as u said but through lunatics who is ruining the country. Thank You asteria for the read....Keep reading..:)

  11. Wow your anger on today's situations came out very well in your post.

    I liked it


    1. Glad you liked the post. Thank you for your read and opinions.


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