Tribute to all heroes

It's really tragedic incident in mumbai on 26/11/08 when terrorists attacked on mumbai.Not only mumbaikars got angry ,but whole India,indeed we have to say that whole world got angry.
How many times we the innocent people bear such kind of bloody incidents.
We don't know when ,where blasts going to take place...yesterday there were blasts on banglore,hyderabad, jaipur etc, today they attacked on Mumabi...Where it happens in future?
Whom should we blame for this incidents? Everybody point their finger onGovernmant.Ofcourse they are, everytime begging for votes,quaralleing with opposition and not concentrating on development.That's the reason why our country is still a developing country but not developed country.Indeed we should point our finger to ourselves for this incident.If we choose right person who always stands on public,then we may not face such kind of incidents. I don't know why always new govt blames on opposition for development and vice versa.In every incident politics is involved,whether it is releated to it or not? If police force is assigned to the tasks on their own ,and make it as an independent zone instead of everytime involving politics, whole system will be changed.
Today a common man is getting fear to go outside to hangout with his family.If police force always busy in scheduling ,monitoring the politicians ,then who will take care these common people.So whole system has to be changed.The police force has its own guts and can tackle these kind of situations,if politcs is not involved.Take example of NSG ie those commandos who successfully completed the operation bravely entering into Taj hotel , Narmen house and saved lot of foreigners and others by sacrificing their lives.

As an Indian let's all pay tribute to the heroes who struggled against terrorism
starting with (Sorry guys....I'm doin plagarism....I got a mail frm my friend I'm putting that mail here...wch is following)

1.Hero's death : Tribute to ATS Chief Hemant Karkare

He wore a helmet, talked on his cellphone and finally put on a bullet-proof jacket before he met his deathly fate in the country's biggest terror seize.Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) chief Hemant Karkare, who was probing the Malegaon blasts case, suffered three bullet injuries in his chest as he was leading the offensive against the terrorists in one of the places the ultras had holed out early in morning.The last television visuals of the 54-year-old officer showed him in a light blue shirt and dark trousers surrounded by uniformed policemen armed with firearms and walkie-talkies.Incidentally, the Pune ATS on November 26 reportedly received phone calls threatening to blow up the residence of Karkare "within a couple of days".Originally from Madhya Pradesh, Karkare studied mechanical engineering in Nagpur and worked at the National Productivity Council and Hindustan Lever before making it to the IPS in 1982. Known to be an upright officer who served in the Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) as well as the Indian mission in Vienna, Austria, as a counselor, Karkare did not hide his love for Mumbai or his discomfort with the predominantly political-bureaucra tic culture of Delhi where he was posted.

He had proved himself in many incidents before.His life is a true example of being a honest hero proving to be a example for the youth.
2.Vijay Salaskar: Life and death by the gun
He was said to be the last of Mumbai's encounter specialists until a hail of bullets brought him down on Wednesday. He is supposed to have killed nearly 80 alleged gangsters.
A 1983 batch officer, Salaskar started off as a sub-inspector. But his ability to sniff out criminals quickly made him a favourite with the police top brass, who used him and other cops to get rid of many underworld criminals.
His first encounter was in 1983, when he shot dead one Raja Shahabuddin, who had a number of cases against him. Gangsters like Amar Naik, Jaggu Shetty, Sadhu Shetty, Kundan Singh Rawat, Zahoor Makhanda ended up as statistics in Salaskar's growing encounter list.
In 1997, he was accused by underworld don Arun Gawli of trying to eliminate him in a fake encounter after the cop gunned down his aides Sada Pawle and Vijay Tandel. Gawli went to the extent of writing to the government that Salaskar would bump him off in a fake encounter. But Salaskar did not face any departmental proceedings. He, however, was frequently in the news for alleged fake encounters.

3.Ashok Kamte-he dared to dare
Daring, but with an exceptionally cool head made Ashok Kamte an excellent negotiator in crisis situations -- a quality for which he was summoned late Wednesday night to deal with terrorists holed up in Mumbai buildings.
Kamte, a 1989 batch IPS officer of Maharashtra cadre, who died fighting terrorists near Mumbai's Metro cinema, was one of the brightest of his batch, and one of the few officers who dared to take on challenges directly.
Having undergone special training for negotiating hostage situations, Kamte was chosen to tackle one of the worst crisis faced by the financial capital of the country.
The Mumbai Police specially summoned him to undertake the operation at Metro Cinema near Cama Hospital in the city where he laid down his life fighting terrorists along with encounter specialist Vijay Salaskar.
Deputy Commissioner of Police in Mumbai, Kamte was a key officer in the state police. He had also served as the Commissioner of Solapur where he became a hero among locals.
This great people of maharashtra police sacrificed their life for DHARMA indeed being honest to their post and people.

and following

4 Shashank Shinde (P.I.)
5 Tukaram Hombal (A.S.I.)
6 Nanasaheb Bhosle (A.S.I.)
7 Baburao Bodvaje (P.S.I.)
8 A.R.Chitte (P.S.I)
9 M.C.Chaudhari (Rail Police)
10 Jaywant Patil (Police Constable)
11 Ambadas Pawar (Police Constable)
12 Vijay Khandekar (Police Constable)
13 Yogesh Patil (Police Constable)
14 Sandeep unnikrishnan
& many more

May u r souls rest in peace...Come on lets all salute them for their bravaries........................

We Salute you.....Mera bharath Mahan.......................


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