Funny Store Procedure

Hi folks , today I am posting a funny store procedure , where I got it from my friend Shiva who works with me.Hum office mein wrk kam karthe hain..lekin batheein jhyada. lol...Chalo hv fun reading the following Store Procedure . CREATE PROCEDURE MyMarriage Bride_Groom Male (26) , Bride_Female(22) AS BEGIN SELECT Bride FROM India_ Brides WHERE Father-In-Law = 'Millionaire' AND Count(Car) > 20 AND House_Status ='ThreeStoreyed' AND Bride_Status IN (B.TECH ,BE ,Degree ,MCA ,MBA) AND Having Brothers= Null AND Sisters =Null SELECT Gold ,Cash,Car,Bank BalanceFROM Father-In-Law UPDATE MyBankAccout SET My_Balance = My_Balance + Father-In-Law-Balance UPDATE MyLocker SET My_Locker_Contents = My_Locker_Contents + Father-In-Law-Gold INSERT INTOMyCarShed VALUES('BMW') END GO Then the wife writes the below query: DROP HUSBAND; COMMIT So boys be prepared and alerted before getting married.The folks who already married..hmm hum tho kuch bhi na...